<aside> 🔥 One VSCode extension we strongly recommend using is Import cost which shows the size of the code you are importing.
For simplicity sake we will split up performance in to three different types.
This is the amount of time it takes to load a page, and the content of page. We should always aim to load (or at least show the above the fold content) within one second.
But why is this important? Because we want to deliver the best possibile user experience to the end user. Further more I'll just leave this here:
How Page Load Time Affects Conversion Rates: 12 Case Studies [Infographic]
Alright so how can we achieve a better load time? Sadly it isn't that easy, there isn't one way to always improve the load time. There are however methods that can help improve the load time. The most simple and also one of the most important ones, just require less data. Here is a short simple checklist to reduce the amount of data needed.